
Mobile application on iOS and Android that meshes gaming and eCommerce.


Deedle was a complete rebrand/redesign from the ground up utilizing current UX/UI and Game Design best practices. Prior to this project, Deedle was downloaded very poorly in the iOS app store and did not exist in the Google Play store.

BeePopulate is available on iOS and Google Play app stores.

BeePopulate is available on iOS and Google Play app stores.


Discover & Research

I conducted a period of research which included comparative and competitive market research across the most popular mobile games as well as any games that incorporated an ecommerce platform. Along with ample market research, I also conducted many user interviews and user tests of the original product to get sound statements that eventually influenced the final design.

Comparative/Competitive Market Research chart detailing other mobile games currently in the iOS/Google Play stores.

Comparative/Competitive Market Research chart detailing other mobile games currently in the iOS/Google Play stores.

User Interview key takeaways from 9 users in the NYC metro area and 3 from Colorado, California and Oregon respectfully.

User Interview key takeaways from 9 users in the NYC metro area and 3 from Colorado, California and Oregon respectfully.


The market and user research allowed for 2 very definitive personas, the casual gamer (our primary) and the hardcore gamer (secondary). Considering that most of the popular and successful mobile games cater towards the casual gamer, along with many of the key findings from my user research, the casual gamer became the primary persona and influenced many of the key design decisions.

The primary persona generated from the market and user research on mobile games.

The primary persona generated from the market and user research on mobile games.


From the key findings from the research and thus designing for the primary persona, the game completely changed from a more hardcore, landscape orientated, “First Person Shooter” game to a casual, portrait oriented “tap” game that can be played with 1 hand. Along with this, the eCommerce part of the game allowed the user to then choose from their favorite brands to earn points, prizes and coupons for those brands.

The app-map showcasing all aspects of the game including the FTU on-boarding experience.

The app-map showcasing all aspects of the game including the FTU on-boarding experience.


When it was all said and done, I presented this to the CEO and COO of the company along with a specification document and Invision prototype. From here, the company was able to gain a better grasp on the potential users of their game and turn Deedle into a successful mobile app built for those users.




The Met Museum